Sod installation in Buffalo NY

Sod Installation in Buffalo NY: Learn How to Prepare Your Lawn Before Installation

STEP 1: Clear the Area

The first and foremost step of preparing your lawn for sod installation in Buffalo NY is clearing the site of all building materials. Remove the rocks, weeds, debris, buried humps, stones. Anything that is larger than 2-3 inches in diameter should be cleared out of the way. 

STEP 2: Remove the Existing Grass

If the lawn has any dead and old grasses left behind, you must remove them before rotor tilling. Use nonselective vegetation killer to eliminate all the vegetation in the area before professionals start their sod installation in Buffalo NY services. 

If you have an old turf, you can use a sod cutter to get it removed without hassle. 

STEP 3: Establish a Rough Grade

“Rough Grade” the area to eliminate any drainage problems. Cut down the higher spots and fill up the holes using topsoil. 

If you are rough grading a larger area, use a tractor-mounted box blade. For smaller areas, hand tools can be of great help. 

Rough grading will expose debris that you thought never existed.

STEP 4: Till As Needed

If your soil requires some amendments before sod installation in Buffalo NY, you prepare it accordingly. Till soil a couple of inches deep before undertaking any modifications. It will add plenty of benefits to the soil.

STEP 5: Soil Preparation

The next step is to prepare the soil before sod installation in Buffalo NY is to pre the soil by adding good quality topsoil. You can also incorporate a nutrient-rich compost/soil blend. 

STEP 6: Fine Grading 

This step is about fine grading the lawn using a landscape or garden rake. This will fix the uneven spots on your lawn before the new sod installation in Buffalo, and the debris will prevent root-to-soil contact. 

Remember, any air space left beneath the turf will kill the grass above it – so be careful.

STEP 7: Settle The Surface

After preparing your soil through all these steps for new sod installation in Buffalo, this is the last step to undertake. If the soil feels loose and fluffy, use a lawn roller to settle the unsettled soil. Also, fill up the low spots.

For best results, before installing sod, let the area settle with rainfall or by applying irrigation. 


You know the steps and the basics of preparing your soil before sod installation in Buffalo NY. Now the only thing left is YOU taking the initiative to hire the best sod installers near me and ordering high-quality sod. Follow the steps (mentioned above) before installation – and after the completion, you will witness a lawn that looks as good as brand new! 

Hire expert sod installation services from Prime Landscapers today and let the experts make your lawn thrive with greenery, love, and health. Connect Today!

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